It is non-digestible and non-acidic when included in food

Due to our lifestyle, we have to face many types of diseases. Gastric, heartburn, abdominal pain and other virus-related problems are also seen in more names today. Due to gastritis, there are many problems like heartburn, abdominal pain, abdominal pain and bloating. The main reason for this is our diet.

By eating fast food and bakery sweets, we are more likely to have gastric problems. This causes gas-like strains and later turns to acidity. Many people have these difficulties due to various reasons. Some people have such difficulties when they eat things like milk, kappa and tapioca. If we make proper changes in our eating habits, we can prevent such problems.

Make sure to eat lunch six hours after breakfast. This type of heartburn can lead to bloating when you have not eaten for a long time. Tension, mental stress, lack of sleep can also cause these problems. If you chew your food properly, you will have to experience these problems even if you do not eat properly.

We often think that fruits are good and eat them occasionally. But by eating fruits in this way on an empty stomach, we are more likely to get indigestion. Similarly, avoid taking a bath immediately after eating. By eating garlic we can reduce these problems. It is good to crush garlic after eating. Chewing cumin is also good.It is also good to drink. At least one day in a week you don’t need to continue eating curd and buttermilk. Drink plenty of water every day. To know more, just watch the video below.